HimPharm manufactures bulk ingredients to fulfil the requirement of the Pharmaceuticals and Herb based industries. These inputs are further processed by manufacturers or blended with other ingredients to make finished medicine. All components are manufactured by HimPharm through its outfits – Healing Herbs and Himachal Pharmaceuticals. These are natural products that are derived from plant raw materials. These Ingredients are manufactured using Good Manufacturing Properties and available as per Internationally recognised Pharmacopeias including the United States Pharmacopeia, British Pharmacopeia, Japanese Pharmacopeia, or the Indian Pharmacopeia.
Phytochemicals, also called Alkaloids or Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) are Isolated active principles from natural plant sources processed through semi-synthesis. Phyto-chemicals at HimPharm are sold exclusively to other pharmaceutical or drug manufacturers, trading agents or wholesalers who provide such drugs to the pharmaceuticals industry to add to formulations or for further processing for final use in health care products.
Herb extracts, Tinctures, Solid extracts, Liquid extracts, Glycerol Extracts, Total Standardised Extract in the form of dry, soft or liquids extracts available as hydro, hydro-alcoholic, alcoholic or Glycerol extracts that are manufactured in big lots to fulfil the Raw Material needs of the Pharmaceutical, Drug, Herbal & Healthcare industry.
Genuine, clean and dried raw herbs collected either from the wild or cultivated on demand for the Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Herbal drugs industry.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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